Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Do not collect £200

Here's a shot of my 'live illustration' at the Glug / D&AD Student Awards party, based on the theme of students setting off and getting out there. I'd like to say that most of it was done by young children helping me but I just can't lie to you – it is all my handiwork. Hit the jump for some more dodgy pics. Thanks to Gemma and John at Studio Output, and Rosie at Agency Rush, and Helen for the drinks runs!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Who? What? Why!

I was interviewed for a feature on the Why Create site. See some of my images and my Q&A here. (Add cringe-ing emoticon here)

Friday, 25 June 2010

Full thrust

Yes – another one. We're nearly out of wall space. The team are SO motivated right now - Brent would be so proud (sniff). Are YOUR afterburners on full thrust? Thought not.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Glug Glug Glug

I'm doing some live illustration at a Glug / D&AD Student Awards after-party this coming Tuesday. Picture from the D&AD site. More info here, and you can buy tickets via the Meetup page here. You might see some pictures on here ... depending on how it turns out. Watch this space...

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Got Problems?

Whenever I feel I am facing a difficult 'pregnant mother of a solution' at work - I take a deep breath and stop to gaze at one of the many pieces of artwork up around the agency. Yet another motivational screen-print for the office. The copywriter (i.e. not me) is working overtime on these. More to come soon.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Tweet Tweet

Screen-print I'm doing at the moment. Any ornithologists out there?

Monday, 21 June 2010

For Sale: Spot The Tiger

My illustration for Spot The Tiger is now available to buy as a print online here. Maybe it'd look good on your wall? You can see it alongside the other artists' pieces - 52 illustrations in all - each accompanying a new topic and question posed every week. Check them all out, and the results, including my entry from back in March here.
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UPDATE: Their site seems to be doing funny things right now but you can still buy the prints here.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Antlers not included

Another soup plate - completing the set of six. Come round for dinner - just don't break the crockery. So I'm a bit worried - lots of monochrome going on at the moment - not too colourful of recent.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Tri Hard (Bet that's been made before)

Here's a Tee I designed for the Ultra Fit Tri Challenge which took place last month. No - I didn't compete this time. Is it me or does the guy on the right look like Bono?

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

From the ashes of...another magazine

Here's a logo I helped design for Phoenix Magazine. (I did the bird, roman numerals and swell rules - they're real swell). It launched this week at Graduate Fashion Week. Grab one outside the event or email to get your copy here.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Phoenix Magazine WAGs

Created these two fashionistas for an article in new publication Phoenix Magazine, released to accompany this year's Graduate Fashion Week. The article put footballers' and politicians' WAGs under the spotlight, and revealed where they buy their shoes and who preens their ears and stuff like that...

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


Something I'm working on right now