Monday, 23 April 2012

Notorious BIG

I now have a portfolio on Brighton Illustrators Group. Take a look around the newly-redesigned site -  there is a wide variety of cracking work on there by lots of different Brighton-based Illustrators.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Create in Brighton

Was shortlisted and went on to win the Create in Brighton imagery competition recently, run by Frank PR, Drink In Brighton and sponsored by Tiger Beer. It was a complete surprise after seeing the high standard of work, especially in photography and illustration. A massive thanks to everyone who voted for the work on Facebook, and to the judges Lomokev, Lawrence Zeegen and Sarah Arnett. Hopefully it returns again next year!

Monday, 16 April 2012

I completed my very first (and potentially last) marathon yesterday! As a mild asthmatic I wheezed my way round the Brighton Marathon on Sunday morning, accompanied by my standard unavoidable Darth Vader sound effects for 26.2 miles. My speed eased off a little as I toured the quite frankly inspiring Shoreham Industrial Estate... A massive thanks to absolutely anyone who cheered, shouted, swore (or moaned about a road being closed) as I straggled past. It was absolutely awesome to not be crouching over a computer for a morning.

I did it to raise money for NASS (the National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society). You can sponsor me here. A huge thanks to everyone who has already sponsored me for NASS. Long may their work continue.