Another pseudo-motivational poster for an agency I'm working for at the moment. All about cappuccino and froth. Maybe one of you baristas out there can shed some light on this one?
Completed the NASS 10km run in Richmond Park the other weekend, managing to raise over £200 for NASS' work on Ankylosing spondylitis. The "Wall of Gaylord" is growing - here's Arnie and a toad storm-trooper with the latest addition (FYI I don't know who came ninth). Thanks to all those who sponsored me - don't panic if you didn't - you didn't miss anything - I was old school & lo fi & Blue Peter & took down names with pen & paper - with a totalometer I wheeled out every now and then...
More Brent-esque motivation - this one saying in a roundabout sort of way that the impossible is possible (Adidas and Ali may have done it better). This is an actual quote from one of the partners. Hit the jump to see some more terrible shots...
I've been involved in getting everything finished and sending Tee designs off to print for sustainable bamboo clothing label Mabboo. Take a look at their blog here - and have your say by voting for your favourite design to be made!
Here is a logo I've designed for some friends who are competing in the Mongol Rally this year. Their team is pretty well named I reckon...The Lost Boys stands up against Cheese on Toast, and Camel Dodgers...More photos and sponsorship links to come soon, but in the meantime - hit the jump to see some more logo designs I did for them...