Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Where's Wally - Part Deux

Seeing as this has turned into vanity week here on the blog, here's a blast from the past from when I worked at publishing house WordWide.
The Bond villain's corporation logo was an added highlight to working there - yet no cool uniforms. But it was the secret penthouse - on the top - above Lean Mean Fighting Machine. (Extra points for spotting me using Facebook InDesign, scratching my head, and drinking water. Answers on a postcard please...)

Monday, 29 March 2010

Where's Wally? Je suis avec Les Stupides

Blink and you'll miss me. I've been compared to Where's Wally before - but this is unreal. I was asked to be in Diesel's new season video - Be Stupid. I'm dancing wearing a yellow Tee on the right. Check it out here and here!
The extremely sharp-eyed amongst you may also spot fellow (much more talented) Illustrator and Brighton tutor Jasper Goodall and (again - much more talented) fellow Brighton graduate and Little Boots video director David Wilson.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

And All That Could Have Been

Here are some T-shirt designs that were commissioned and then canned at a late stage. Friends (yeah friends - plural - more than one - not just my mum) have said they really liked them - so I thought I'd throw them up here for everyone to see!

Monday, 22 March 2010

Cancer Research UK

I was asked recently to pitch for the Bobby Moore Fund Sports Ball 2010's identity. This year it's going to be a big summer event encompassing lots of different sports-related activities for all the prestigious guests. Don't think they're going with any of my designs this time - but you can find out more about this year's event here.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

On Yer Bike

A new Mabboo design screen-print made from different bits I'm working on at the mo.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Papped again

Some of my work in progress can be seen on the newly-launched PSAD Screenprinters blog - worth a look solely for Paul's awesome psychedelic self-portrait!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

More Bad News

A recent collaboration with fellow illustrator Hannah Forward - alternatively creating a frame, developing a short narrative... Short run of single colour screen-prints, edition of twenty. If you'd like one email me

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Thanks for the kind words about my screen-prints from Spot the Tiger. Here's another one! Bosh.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Spot The Tiger

Here's a peek at a topical piece I did for Spot The Tiger - "should the government be allowed to monitor all forms of communication?" It is up today. Have your say on the site.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Mabboo Drafts

A couple of early test concepts for some upcoming new Mabboo stuff. Stay tuned sports fans...

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Mashed up

More random screen-prints from the ever-growing pile. More coming soon. In the meantime if you want one lemme know.