Friday, 20 November 2009

Today was brought to you by the letter M

You know all that stuff you have lying around on the floor that you keep stepping on and cutting your foot on? Well I finally found somewhere to stick it all (no, not the dump - you cheeky significant other - who does exist). A Massive M. My Happy Meal toys are happy again.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Stop Thinking....Full Stop.

Can't get layer masks out of your head? Jittery about stray anchors? Always thinking of colours in their CMYK values? Then you need my screen-print I just finished - a kind of personal manifesto sort-of thing. The metallic robots will scare that rubbish out of you...

Boxfresh Blog

Cheers to the guys for posting about me on the My Boxfresh Blog. Always awesome for a bit of mid-morning procrastination...

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Answers on a postcard please

A short run of postcards I screened recently. Want some in your letterbox? Email me. Includes an ode to 'The' Beadle, and some chunky bespectacled guy that I reckon I'm gonna look like when I'm older, and an eagle too.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Obscure Film Reference Mug # 42

Okay film buffs - I painted a mug last weekend - it just came out of the kiln. Hotter than the sun. BUT - where's the quote from, eh? Answers on a postcard please: mail (at) mattcstokes dot com (Top prize - pure pity for knowing such a banal fact - with a sprinkling of respect...)

Monday, 2 November 2009

Too soon?

Who said the Swiss don't have a sense of humour? Not me, and especially since this - see the evidence for yourselves - a Zurich toy store window display consisting of plastic pigs scattered around top board game "Pandemic". Topical...